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We are traveling only in the southern part of Sinai.

With our guide Salem and his team (Taha, Rady ...), we evaluate how we feel about the group, what is possible and beneficial and decide on the spot of the trip, campsites and proposed activities.



If we have a planned itinerary, however, we can always choose among the unlimited splendors of this environment.

We camp preferably in sandy areas, less frequented by day tourists and we opt for non-dangerous trips (not along precipices).



Practically, in the early morning, the camp awakes slowly: the Bedouins prepare breakfast and leaving your personal tent, you find yourself in a group. Then everyone does his morning toilet, which is quite a nice art in the desert!



In general, you prepare for a guided walk, which will take you to different places each time. The desert of Sinai is indeed not an infinite succession of sand dunes, but is on the contrary a series of surprises! These walks are of up to a few hours. Sometimes the hike is interspersed with a lunch. If you take a steep canyon, there is almost always a rope or a wooden staircase to facilitate the passage. The duration and difficulty of these walks are announced before departure and adapted if necessary.

At the end of the afternoon, a rest period before the common meal in the central camp is planned.


There are usually 2 or 3 different camps during the trips. The transfer of luggage and materials is in charge of the Bedouins. We avoid long distances by jeep, which means trips of up to two hours.



You sleep, at your choice, on a mattress under the stars, or in an individual tent, or in the camp. You bring your own sheets or a sleeping bag.  

You have drinking water in the bottle as much as you need, you can take a shower every day (source water). 

The meals are prepared by the Bedouins and they are attentive to all your desires. 


The chosen travel periods are such that it is not excessively hot during the day, nor too cold at night. 


It only rains exceptionally in this desert. 


To this program will be added daily activities specific to the theme of travel.


We end with a day at the Red Sea, in a fixed Bedouin camp.This allows you to reconnect gently to everyday life, before flying back home.


Above all, the wonder in front of fabulous landscapes!


The Sinai desert is particularly varied: granite mountains, sand-rock mountains, sandy plains, canyons, abundant fossils, fauna and flora which, if you look closely, are more abundant than a simple quick look lets glimpse.

You walk and the "Whaaaa! succeed one another intensely.


Sinai is a special place where you will quickly feel the reason: its unique energy. It is totally indescribable and naturally supports an inward movement. Being in the present becomes a reality easier than ever.


Life invites to a way of being where conventions and masks quickly make way for the natural. A frame of benevolence, source of exchange and authentic support, is created spontaneously within the travelers.


Finally, each trip brings a particular theme: "Hodra" for people seeking answers through a Vision Quest, and "Love Quest", for couples who want a unique love experience.


Participating goes further than buying a service, more than just a financial contribution.

Egypt suffers considerably from an economic collapse. A Bedouin told me that for nothing in the world he will leave these places, but his desire to have children is strongly limited by these precarious conditions that we can hardly imagine.

More than one Bedouin has finally traded this life for a more stable situation at the seaside and at the service of mass tourism.


Participating in these journeys allows them to not only survive but to keep alive a culture

where we have a lot to learn from its simplicity.


By our presence, by opening ourselves and integrating this simplicity, we create an act that goes beyond our unique person

and certainly survives after this journey:

the one to provide real support to give back to the Earth its beauty and its original integrity.

  • These are in no way sports performances or a form of "survival"


  • There is no forced march or physical goal to overcome. There is no mountain climbing.


  • It is also not our intention to travel long distances by jeep, nor to propose a steady pace of discoveries: we do not propose a conventional "safari".


  • We sleep in the "Million Star Hotel", but they are stars other than the usual classifications! We are not nostalgic boy-scouts, but people who want close contact with nature, aware that less material comfort can be the price of a wonder, an unexpected, an inner enrichment.

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